I love these authentic, tasting, griddle cakes, with currents and mixed spice. Hard just to eat one so make a large batch.Great for picnics,and keep well in an airtight container.
Welsh griddle cakes |
1) 225 g/8 oz. plain flower
2) 1/2 tsp baking powder
3) 1/2 tsp mixed spice
4) 50 g/2 oz. margarine
5) 50 g/2 oz. lard
6) 75 g currants
7) 50-75 g/2-3 oz. sugar
8) 1 standard egg
9) 1 x 15 ml/1 tbsp spoon milk
10) To finish sugar for sprinkling
a) Sieve flour with baking powder and mixed spice.
b) Rub fats into flour
c) Add dry ingredients and mix well together with the egg and milk to form a stiff paste
d) Roll out on a lightly floured board to about 6 mm (1/4 inch) thick
e) Cut into rounds using a 5 cm (2 inch) flutted cutter
f) Bake on a griddle over medium heat until lightly brown on each side
g) When cool sprinkle with extra sugar
Makes 24